Aneto Hours Report

Aneto Hours Reports is the complete time reporting solution for tracking the hours and costs for your projects.

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High level and detailed level of your portfolio’s time reporting

Start with a high level overview of the time spent on your projects and then drill down to areas of interested so that you can stay in control of where every hour is being spent

See the time reports at a high level.
Drill down to see detailed reports.
See the estimate vs time spent ratios to quickly notice overflows.
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Control your projects and teams

Stay on top of your KPIs and generated detailed Google Sheet reports so that you are always in control.

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Group your reports by users, projects and so much more

You can select from a wide range of grouping options so that you can see the information from several different angles. This helps you see how the work is being distributed in real time.

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Aneto’s Hours Reports for Jira

Control your costs
Control your costs from begining to end.
Have access to cost data
Aneto’s Hours reports helps you be in charge of all the time reporting and costs needs of your project.
Onboard more work
Enjoy the freedom to onboard more projects and retainers without losing control.