T estimonials
These essential Jira apps will maximise your teams output fast.

Jussie Vesterinen
CEO @ Adefine
“ the Recurring issues add-on was very easy to setup. The moment when we really started to appreciate its value was when we calculated how much time it was saving us per month on all the tickets that we used to add manually. We also noticed that by entering the same recurring tickets with all the information already contained in them, we avoided missing tasks and different estimations on the tickets. This add-on is truly a great contribution to our work flow. Jussie Vesterinen Adefine “

George Maturo
PMO Manager @ Tetheree
“ My review is about the PERT calculator for issue estimations This add-on is so simple and yet, had such a profound effect on our operations. We used to estimate all tasks of a project using an excel sheet so that we could have the team use PERT for estimation, and then we uploaded everything to Jira. Now, the team can make the breakdown and the PERT estimation right in Jira. We decided to change to PERT some time ago because we were not getting the burn down charts right on any sprint by using story points estimation. After using PERT estimation, we can have long term planning with realistic expectations because it is working out so well “

Howard Capaso
CEO @ Marlale construction
“ My review is about the PERT calculator for issue estimations This add-on is so simple and yet, had such a profound effect on our operations “